
The lists which follow provide links to a number of sites that contain information related to the biology of elasmobranchs. Sites listed here may contain scientific information as well as information of more general interest. You will find photographs and drawings, text, research institutions, home pages of individuals working with or interested in sharks and their relatives, and information about discussion groups.

DISCLAIMER: The sites listed in the following categories are provided solely for convenience and amusement, and to satisfy the intellectual curiosity of users of the American Elasmobranch Society website. As such, no endorsement of the products or responsibility for the accuracy of the information at other URL sites is implied by or the responsibility of the American Elasmobranch Society.

I. Careers in Biology and the Marine Sciences

II. Institutions Involved in Elasmobranch Research

III. Conservation and Management Organizations 

IV. Partial Listing of Web Sites of General Interest